Curriculum Vitae

Mr Peter Stevens

Email :

I am interested in approaches for consultancy for technology related companies and non executive directorships.


Mythic Beasts Limited
Founder director

2000 onwards. Full time from 2007.

I've bootstrapped the company from a hobby project started by students to a multi-million per year turnover company employing 14 members of staff, with services in three countries and many thousands of active customers. We are debt free and owned by the original founders and staff.

Mythic Beasts offers internet services including domains, servers and managed hosting from seven different data centres in three different countries. I've been added to the IPv6 Hall of Fame for IPv6 our world leading IPv6 only hosting services. I created the Raspberry Pi public cloud.

London Internet Exchange
Non Executive Director, Vice Chair, FRS Committee Chair

May 2020 onwards.

I was elected in 2020 to the board of directors. In 2024 I was made vice chair and chair of the Finance, Risk and Audit committee. I am also a member of the Governance committee. The London Internet Exchange runs some of the largest internet exchanges in the world, is critical national infrastructure in the UK and now operates internet exchanges in multiple locations across three continents.


April 2003 - August 2007

J2EE and embedded java development with IR & Bluetooth for mobile phone advertising.


July 2000 - April 2003

Java and Database programming for server applications.

Jodrell Bank Science Centre

Summer 1997, Summer 1998

I explained radio astronomy to the general public.

Technical placement at Rutherford Appleton Laboratoy

Summer 1995

I was a research student working on extreme value statistics, this work resulted in a scientific publication of my work. Statistics of the largest geomagnetic storms per solar cycle (1844±1993)

Public Speaking


Additional Information